Acclimatisation and Naturalisation of a Hindu Immigrant

Lessons for my fellow Hindu Americans

Acclimatisation and Naturalisation of a Hindu Immigrant

I have over the past 47 years struggled really hard to come to terms with life in the United Kingdom, and have at various times described the relationship between the State and myself as fraught with oppression and persecution on me. I thought as a boy of 15 years of age when I first came to the United Kingdom in December 1972 that all human beings were the same, and my scientific studies at the Natural Resources Institute following the Bachelors Degree in Pharmacology had led me to confirm this so that in accordance with the academic wisdom we lived to the laws of Nature as first described by Charles Darwin on the origin of the species and the resulting Theory on Evolution.

 I paid a lot of time and effort in studying Science and published 35 scientific articles in referred international journals in the Animal Sciences thinking that Science had to be the way to understand Nature and live in accordance with the structure of Nature in this Planet Earth.

 In my 64th year now, I have my reflections on to write this passage on. If life was organised and structured according to the laws of social organisation given that we were told by Aristotle that man is a social animal that the Theory of Evolution is an elaboration of that premise, there would be a coherent system of justice based on truth in society for all individuals to have access to the Rule of Law. I have taken out countless prosecutions both civil and criminal during the past 23 years since I lost my job at the University of Greenwich on a charge of having been found to have been blameworthy of gross misconduct towards colleagues and senior management following an unblemished career of 18 years in the Scientific Civil Service. These litigations were conducted at Employment Tribunals and civil and criminal courts of the United Kingdom. Nothing came of them materially. I lost £55,000 in severance payments from the University of Greenwich even after publishing all the harassment inflicted on me in work place harassment and subsequently by the State authorities who found me to have committed further transgressions in having abused the process of court in my civil litigation against the University and its co-conspirators. I sought asylum out of the United Kingdom to return to Indian but that avenue as well as around ten other countries that I approached refused to have anything to do with me, for they did not wish to assess the legality in international law of the treatment that I was receiving within the United Kingdom.

 I took out litigations against countless other institutions of the State reporting them to the Police and took the local Police Force to civil and criminal courts for protecting those criminals who were terrorising me. All that amounted to nothing in terms of redress in legal terms. Instead, I as castigated as a lunatic, sectioned under the mental health Act of the United Kingdom on two occasions, the first in 2004 and on a relapse of my struggle for justice, in 2008, when I took Shell UK to the Employment Tribunal for violating its legal obligations on transfer of staff when there was a change in ownership of a particular establishment (TUPE Regulations). From that day onwards to the present moment on the 14 of August 2021 I am held in Active Review Process by the Community Mental Health Team on anti-psychotic, anti-depressant and mood-stabilising medications that are enforced on me, whether or not I like to take these medications.

 I took the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to Court for the terrorism mounted on me by the National Health Service and other so-called Victims of Panigrahi Association (VOPA) after applying the Court and Parliament to have the Queen dethroned and impeached through due legal processes for I perceived these criminals to have been fictitious units of the Security Services; and I ended up having to pay the Costs of the Defendant totalling £4170 on 21 June 2021, with no prospects for a successful Appeal.

 I consider myself to be a totally sane human being, have no mental disorders that require the State to make me unemployable or for enforcing medications to subdue my legal challenges to the State authorities. I am and always have been in full control of my mental faculties, and this is the reason that I have survived till this day after publishing my 7 Books entitled 'The Allurement of Reality of my life as an immigrant Hindu in the United Kingdom. After the 2008 episode of mental hospital incarceration I have managed to keep my liberty and stay put in the United Kingdom when there were consistent efforts since 2017 to have me booted out of the country back to India or even to Pakistan by agents of the State sending me emails that I attributed as coming from the State Security Services ultimately. I managed to keep my family life together which was very important consideration for me with a lovely relationship now with my wife to whom I have been married for 36 years (and who is also a Hindu) and a daughter born in the United Kingdom. I write profusely with gay abandon with no missions, plans or aims and objectives, to do any harm deliberately to anyone and least of all to destabilise the State of the United Kingdom.

 So how does one explain all this: that is the subject of my discourse this morning. The answer is not in Science but in Religion. Chalk and cheese can be mixed when the devotion to God is of such intensity that one surrenders all ones works to that Divine Entity residing in our psyche dormant sometimes and emerging at other times and whom Hindus know how to access and respond to when there is a call from Him to move on to higher things from the noddy work of poultry nutrition and toxicology that I was experimenting with at the Natural Resources Institute. I had been awakened by God to go in search of dharma by conducting a dharmayudha (warfare to live to dharma) to establish the truth of our Existence on this Planet Earth and on a 16 hours a day work over the internet for as long as I can remember I have been steadfast in search of sanatan dharma (the ultimate eternal law of the universe), through satya-advaita yoga, or the yoga of truth-accommodation. I survived in liberty because of my resolve to truth accommodate. I established first the 'Union of Petrol Station Workers' in 2008 and a Blog: 'Towards Knowledge for World Conservation' and subsequently started a Global Foundation Movement called the 'Conservative Libertarian Society with political offshoots in the United Kingdom and in the United States of America since November 2020 and both have stood the test of time in that the Court has not admonished me as having done anything unlawful. Even my Seven Volumes of the Book 'The Allurement of Reality have ISBN Numbers and have been deposited in the British Library. I formed my own company, The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited registered with Companies House of England and Wales, from which to sell my books and other materials that the Company produces in a bid to generate some income for myself to continue to fund my websites and to supplement my pension.

So I am on top of the world this morning. The Community Mental Health Team have not taken me back into the mental hospital. I am in liberty. That is all that matters to me for I have found the way to conduct myself to practice sanatan dharma in surrender to God, Sri Krishna. The Theory of Hindu Evolution replacement of the Darwinian Evolution of Species is therefore complete.

Acclimatisation and Naturalisation of a Hindu Immigrant
Lessons to my fellow Hindu Americans