I received an Order from a convened Court, that I feel is objectionable, as follows:
From CCMCC (County Courts Money Claims Centre) PO Box 627, Salford, M6 0BY, DX: 702634 Salford 5 T: 0300 123 1372; Min-com for deaf and hard of hearing: 0300 123 1264 F:0161 743 4023 E: ccmcccustomers@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk. 31 August 2018.
HM Courts & Tribunals Service
Our Ref:
Your Ref:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please be advised your Claim Form was referred to the Deputy District Judge Harvey who had the following directions:
In the matter of: Practice Direction 7EPD.2
And in the matter of: two N1 Claim Forms requested to be issued by Dr Shantanu Panigrahi of 3 Hoath Lane, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0SL ('the Claimant')
1 The Claimant has submitted to the court two N1 Claim Forms for issuing against Wigmore Medical Centre for £100,000 and against Mrs Theresa May, Prime Minister, for £3000 respectively.
2 The Claimant has also submitted an EX160 form to apply for help with court fees.
3. All forms submitted to the court are unsigned and the Claimant has refused to co-operate with the court office (HMCTS) in relation to their correspondence dated 6th August 2018.
4. Upon reference to a Deputy District Judge, it appears desirable that HMCTS take such security measures as it thinks fit under Practice Direction 7EPD.2 to control and manage any process requested by the Claimant.
Order of the Court's own motion without a hearing
It is ordered that:
1. The Claimant may not start any claim electronically via HMCTS website unless he complies with the requirements set out in the letter from HMCTS dated 6 August 2018 and he provides such personal information for identity purposes as is required by the Practice Direction, such information to comprise original documents such as a passport or driving license and utility bill or bank statement not older than 3 months showing the Claimant's address.
2. The Claimant is advised that the court will not enter into any email communications with the Claimant and any further communication must be by post only and relate to the requirements set out in paragraph 1 above.
3. Because this Order has been made without a hearing, the parties have the right to apply to have the Order set aside, varied or stayed. A party making such an application must send or deliver the application to the court (together with any appropriate fee) to arrive within seven days of service of this Order. If the application is one which requires a hearing, and
a) the party making the application is the Defendant; and
b) the Defendant is an individual,
then upon the filing of the application the claim will be transferred to the Defendant's home court. In all other cases requiring a hearing the claim will be transferred to the preferred court.
Yours faithfully,
CountyCourt Money Claims Centre
2. For whatever reason, I lodged an appeal by email to the County Court Money Claims Centre immediately on receipt of the Order so with the 7 days stipulated in the Order, but heard nothing from the Court.
3. Then suddenly out of the blue I received a Notice from the Central London County Court and with correspondence involving Mr Thomas Bartlett, as representing Mrs Theresa May, and no mention of Wigmore Medical Centre, a Court order was issued to draw me into corresponding with the Court. All I could do was to Appeal to the Central London County Court that served the proceedings citing Claim No E35YM660, that I objected to the transfer of the proceedings to the Defendant's home court rather than my preferred home court as set out in the Claim Form, and that I required time to find a lawyer to represent me. There were further Orders issued by Judges Letham, Backhous and Parfitt over the past year and 2 months, but no final judgement has been issued and served on me until this moment that I post this at 11.18 am (UK-Time) 2021. So proceedings are still pending following a Hearing that took place between His Honour HHJ Parfitt and myself over a 15 minute period over the telelphone on 19 January 2021, between 10.00 am to 10.15 am (UK-Time). I have increased my demand for damages and compensation from the United Kingdom's Treasury to £50 million sterling to be credited immediatly into my Natwest Account here in the United Kingdom, and the full restoration of my Blog https://shantanup.wordpress.co also immediately.
4. I have in the past contacted Findlaw in the United States to deal with this Order, which has prevented me from pursuing my private prosecutions and civil litigations of up to 1500 institutions and people from all kinds of backgrounds, after trying nearly 50 lawfirms and lawyers in the United Kingdom, but none of whom had the necessary background expertise of mental health issues to assess the Parliamentary and Health Ombudsman's deliberations on my mentality in my complaints to the authorities of the United Kingdom against the National Health Service against Dr Sudhir Patel of Wigmore Medical Centre in his machinations over my diagnosis and treatment and lately directly from the Mental Health Institution of the State through Consultant Psychiatrists Dr Masoud followed by Dr Michael Kingham and Dr F Odesanya, with the attached applicable details:
5. So if there is anyone out there in the United States of America, and in consideration of our Friendship forged through our admiration of previous President Mr Donald Term in his 4 year term in office, please telephone me on + 44 07967789619, now.
Thank you
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi