The principle of 'dharmayudha' as the basis of Conservative Libertarianism

Donald Trump's legacy

Whilst not being in anyway disrespectful of the Constitution of the United States of America, a central feature of the Amendment that relates to freedom of expression we consider to be inviolable, and so consider that the Senate was justified in not convicting the former President Donald Trump of inciting violence, regardless of the gravity of his utterrances leading up the 6 January 2021 uprising.


We consider Donald Trump to be a Conservative Libertarian, and his restraint in conducting himself non-violently against Syria in the aftermath of the tragedy when he ordered the missile attack on the infrastructure but did not follow it up with more severe forms of warfare; his work to try and bring North Korea into the global stage, his work with President Putin of Russia, and his visit to Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom, his golf course in Scotland, indicates to me as the Founder of the Conservative Libertarian Movement as a Society in its formative years as an example, and a beacon, especially in the construction of the defensive wall on the southern border with Mexico; all being expressions of not wishing to go down the path of violence, and administrating peacefully with considerable restraint. When taken in light of his other policies to try  and make America great again in minding its own business rather than entering into global sociIalism, or regional socialism in the form of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance, we see that Donald Trump was and still is a what we Hindus describe as a 'dharmayudhi', one who fights for his beliefs at a personal level and since he was as President vested with the powers of the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America, he was a conscientious religious person in the mould of Vishista Advaita Vedanta, and we therefore consider him to be one of us in the practice of Vaishnavism as enunciated here:


That is a matter for Donald Trump and he will take his own course, his own path to demonstrate his legacy for his life is not over yet, he has not announced his retirement from politics. He will, as we do, see which way the winds of Nature is blowing into him and his family and would consider the appropriate judgement as time passes. We are monitoring the American scene with considerable interest with fullest respect for its Constitution, and its enforcement by the State and Federal law enforcement authorities, that will no doubt be deliberated on in the fullness of time in the Supreme Court of the United States, if it has not already.

The Conservative Libertarian Society and its relationship to the United Nations Security Council